On Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 4:25:43 AM [GMT -0500], Peter Hampf wrote:

> I have installed TB in "d:\programme\thebat\", whereas the windows
> programs dir points to "c:\programme\".

> The installer does not honour the exe-path setting in the registry but
> instally to "c:\programme\thebat!\" by default!

> IMO it sould read from the registry where TB actually is installed and
> then use that specific directory!

I don't see such a problem here. My TB! is installed in M:\Program
Files\The Bat!. The MSI installation always correctly detects this
installation path.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat!™ v3.5
System Specs: http://www.landscreek.net/sysspecs.htm
As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716

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