I think this is the best appearance TB has ever had. But that's a very
superficial observation. I have to admit that I am still missing the
promise of TB Pro that I bought with the 3.x series.

I am a basic user. For the most part, I do with TB what I did - very
stably - with 1.62. I still don't use IMAP - don't know that I ever
will use IMAP - but, while I am glad to hear that IMAP is working
better than ever before, this was promised to us in the 2.x series.
It's just an old debt. With 3.x, particularly 3.x Pro, I expected to
get a better level of security. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for
OTFE. Yes, it might be there already and working quite well, but why
must I do a fresh install to get it? I have settings that I like and a
huge database of mail. A fresh install is a daunting task. Can I
import all of my messages? Can I import my quick templates? Can I
import my familiar settings (some of which I lost with the upgrade to
3.5 and had to struggle to restore - mainly because I could not find
any documentation on the new interface, and - well - good as it may
be, it is also somewhat confusing to locate and set up shortcuts,
especially when the keys have changed and the commands appear in
multiple places).

Okay, I don't want to complain too much. I think this was probably a
needed facelift for TB and the work done is highly commendable. But I
do find it annoying when all of a sudden the Connection Centre opens
in the background and Ctrl-F brings up a refilter dialog box instead
of a search dialog box. And I would dearly like to try the OTFE if
only I could get it without having to start all over again, so to

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro 3.5

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