On 2005-05-24 at 21:31:11 Tony Boom wrote:

> The error number is the same but it can't be related, I didn't rename any
> file at all.

No, but probably you installed your old version of the bat in a
similar way: by downloading the .msi to your desktop, double-clicking
it to install, and subsequently doing what all normal users do,
throwing away the msi.  Or maybe moving it to your "Stuff" folder

And this is precisely what MSI can't cope with: it needs the old msi
to be able to do ANYTHING with your installation, even upgrading or
uninstallation.  (In fact, I've understood that MSI deals with
upgrading by doing an uninstallation of the old version first, which
often fails miserably, and then a "normal" install of the new
version.  This usually forces you to reboot twice or even more times
for a simply upgrade...)

> I just downloaded it and double clicked it and got the error
> the first time I tried it as well as subsequent times.

You could run it a 1000 times, and you'd still get the same error.
First you need to get the old installation to uninstall in some way.
You can put the old .msi file back in exactly the same folder, with
exactly the same filename as you initially used, and then run the
uninstaller, or (recommended) use Microsoft's MSI cleaner tool to get
rid of the old cruft.

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