Hello Ethan!

On Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 9:40 AM, you wrote, in part:

< ... >

>> Could you be more specific and pinpoint again your problems?

> Yes.

> First, I'm running 3.5.25 ...

Do you mean 3.5.26?

> ... on Windows XP SP 2 with 512 memory on an
> Asus board.  I'm running no plug ins and no special features (e.g.,
> non stock graphics etc.). My problems include....

> a) chronic position issues with the connection centre.  It appears
> behind, and often graphically broken.  I've run the MSI install repair
> with no success.

Well, the CC problems have been discussed at great length over the
past few days.

Add a note to the issue report on Bug Tracker, why don't you? :


> b) memory problems.  After running the program for more than two
> hours, when I shut down, lots of hanging and then sometimes I have to
> kill the program.  Version 25 was a little better, not much.

No such problem here. So, could you detail further circumstances of
your specific set-up that might help the developers pinpoint why this
is happening to you and not to most of the rest of us?

> c) automatic deleting when I shut down the program even after I have
> turned off the feature in the individual account.

Is this in connection with IMAP or with POP3?

> d) Overall, a noted decrease in speed and performance over the last
> official release.

Again, this is way too general a comment to help anyone pinpoint
what's going wrong for you. :(

> As I have mentioned, I have followed the conversation and my problems
> are not discussed.  The only notable problem appears to the Connection
> Centre.  Overall, the program simply runs poorly compared to its
> previous version. In fact, the step up to version 3.x from 2.x is
> simply not provided the promised improvements.

"Overall," I think, will not be constructive or helpful criticism.

What's needed are specific reports of exact circumstances--when
confirmed, these can be added to the Bug Track issues pages, where
they can be assigned to specific programmers for work.

> ...Furthermore, IMAP is still "questionable" at best. I've given up
> on that front and use other programs if IMAP is required.

Well, Jerry! Again, non-specific complaining. Everyone knows that IMAP
is receiving serious work in the current beta series, or at least I
would guess, everyone *should* know!!

As far as v. 3.5.26, I went back to its first announcement as a "rar"
and found this list of the "fixed" things from Maxim, in

Quoting Maxim from June 7:
--Begin Copy-and-Paste----------------------------------------


[-] The "On-The-Fly Encryption" startup choice might have ignored.
[-] (#0004424) %OAttachments gave mime-encoded filenames in 3.0.9.x (works 
correctly until
[-] Address Book -  the View of Intermediate and Trusted Root CA is without 
function. They won't hide!!
[-] Fixed multiple question marks in the right part of the About dialog.
[-] If edition of The Bat! was configured in the registry, the choice of 
On-The-Fly encryption was ignored
[-] (#0004731) application error in templates
[-] (#0004424) %OAttachments gave mime-encoded filenames in 3.0.9.x (works 
correctly until
[-] (#0004106) Mistake at restoration Backup in other Operational system
[-] (#0004079) Attachments stay separated and unencrypted 
[-] (#0002600) No sound on new IMAP message 
[-] Fixed multiple question marks in the right part of the About dialog.
--End copy-and-paste----------------------------------------------------

I think, just my own opinion, the questions and complaints of the beta
testers should be at least as specific and concise as Maxim's
above-quoted list. :)

< ... >

> So, I'm waiting and wondering.  I hope we will have some real news
> soon.

For the sake of everyone's peace of mind, I hope that you will get
some real (that is, road-map-type news), too. But I think the general
direction of the work is clear, and that we can be most helpful by
staying very specific in what we report and ask for on TBBETA.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5.26 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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