Hello Alto Speckhardt & everyone else,

on 25-Jun-2005 at 16:00 you (Alto Speckhardt) wrote:

ASK>> One personal preference against the other, and the proclamation of
ASK>> partly self-raised "standards"

> Indeed. RIT aparently thought that thousands and thousands of editors
> were doing it all wrong and invented their own system.

No, thats not what I meant. I meant the regularly happening phenomenon that  
that a certain way of working/operation people got used is assumed to be a 
"standard". And I did not neccessarily mean RIT with that. :-)

What you're saying would mean that the majority of TB users backs up your wish. 
Is that the case? :-)

> If the RITs want to stick to their unusal handling of line feed (after
> all, some people have aparently grown to like it) it should be an
> opt-in feature. (Or call it opt-out, whatever, but it ought to be
> possible to disable it.)

Autoformat is a contradiction to a free caret editor in my very humble opinion. 
What keeps you from using the windows editor? You can insert single LFs there 
just as you
even with autoformat turned on (this message is the proof). :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

The miracle is that the universe created a part of itself to study the
rest of it, and that this part, in studying itself, finds the rest of
the universe, in it's own natural inner realities. -- John C. Lilly

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