Hello Allie Martin & everyone else,

on 25-Jun-2005 at 17:25 you (Allie Martin) wrote:

>> Uh... the Windows editor *removes* the LFs (that autoformat inserted)
>> before sending? Is that WOD? In the editor prefs wrapping at column 75 is
>> set, and it appears on-screen, but is gone when I send... ?!? <puzzled>

> That's correct. Most e-mail editors do the very same.


I thought if I set TB to wrap at column 75, it would do that on sending,
and not only on-screen, and remove the formatting when sending. It means I
compose a message on-screen and it will not look the way I intended it.

[Outlook does it the other way around: you type along, and upon sending
plain text is wrapped at the specified column, which seems more logical to
me, especially with plain text messages]

> It's just that the client reformats/reflows the text on sending. TB!'s
> behaviour on sending is based on MicroEd, which doesn't need its text to
> be reformatted on sending.

But TB removes linefeeds from messages created with the Windows editor.
Look at the source of the message I sent with Windows editor. It does not
contain LFs but only very long lines. Thats not what I had on screen. If
some Outlook user is going to quote that... ouch...

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

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rest of it, and that this part, in studying itself, finds the rest of
the universe, in it's own natural inner realities. -- John C. Lilly

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