Hello Charlene!

On Monday, June 27, 2005, 4:16 PM, you wrote:

> I did a folder maintenance and came across a strange thing: some of my
> sent mails showed my rogue, which would be pretty normal if they had
> been sent from this account. But that specific account had no x- rogue
> in it's template included and yet I clearly saw my picture.

Charlene, any place in the body-text of a message, including the sig,
which has the handle of your Roguemoticon, that is ":c_f:" will call
your pic, provided there's no conflicting X-Rogue handle in the
headers. So, that's the first thing to check out--was there anything
similar to that handle in the body-text of those Sent messages?

Another thing is the possibility that you have configured your Address
Book (which is shared among all TB! accounts) to contain AB pics and
put your own pic file among those.

Those are the only two things that I know enough about to mention as
possible causes. And, never having put pics in my AB, I don't know
precisely how that is done.

Perhaps someone else can pick up there, with further information.

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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