On Mon 4-Jul-05 8:17am -0500, Michael Acklin wrote:

> Monday, July 4, 2005, 1:29:54 AM, (Internet Time - @312) you wrote:
> Hello Bill,
BM>>     A - read
BM>>        B - unread
BM>>            C - unread
BM>> If I position on message A and then go to the account
BM>> name in the folder tree, pressing ctrl-right brings me
BM>> to message C instead of message B.
>    I tried this also, but what I got was the message A being
>    highlighted. Not the message C.
>    Sorry can't confirm either.

You have a far more serious problem.  Since message A
has been marked read, you should NEVER get to it with
ctrl-right.  Perhaps you have reassigned ctrl-right?

Best regards,

The Bat 3.5.36 Pro  BayesIt! 0.8.1  X-Ray  XP Pro SP2  POP3

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