Hi Manuel,

On 7/7/05, Manuel Breitfeld wrote:
> Hello James,

First of all, the name is "Jay" or, if you like, "jaywalker". Not
James - never James. That's too British for my current incarnation.

> On Tuesday, 07 July 2005 at 08:04 AM you (James (Jay) Walker), also known as
> Avi, wrote:
> >> I'm familiar with it, but TB! doesn't use that system. Never has. Why
> >> should it now??
> > Perhaps to be more clear and hence more user-friendly. Perhaps to
> > conform with a popular international standard.
> I'm feeling the same, the numbering system should be more user-friendly. The
> question is, if there are really international standards?! No, there aren't,
> are there?

If you say so. I really don't know. But I would have imagined that the
CVS numbering system comes pretty close to being one.

> The only international standard which implies user-friendliness is to have
> consistency.

I am not convinced about that. There might be ways to distinguish
releases without using a consistent system (numbering or otherwise).
The example of Microsoft Windows comes to mind. And, even though we
are only talking about some marketed versioning system rather than the
internal system, my concern is ultimately with what the users see,
i.e. the marketed versioning.

> So I (we?) really would like to have one clear system, nothing more.
> If that is v3.50 -> v3.51-> v3.60 or v3.5b1 -> v3.5b10 or v3.50.01 -> v3.50.10
> doesn't really matter to me.

Same here. As far as I can tell, only Allie is playing fiddler on the
roof with *tradition*.

> But the system should proof that each TB! user could determine which version
> is the newest and why it's like that.

Right. And also what follows on a beta series (as Alexander rightly mentioned).

> > Or could it be just your time of the month?
> Now I've had the time of my life.... No I never felt like this before. ;-)

Oh my! That PMS is more contagious than I ever imagined.

Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (No OTFE) 3.51

 Current beta is 3.51 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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