Hello Peter!

On Sunday, July 17, 2005, 3:17 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Do you mean that you saw something besides an "a" between "tbbeta" and
MB>> "fun" in Stuart's phrase, "tbbeta a fun" in his post,

> Mary!? Hello ... :-) Is' me, and my name is not Stuart! <g>

Sorry--a little bit addled here in the late afternoon!

MB>> Quote from above post from Stuart:

MB>> ****************************************
*MB>>> Every day's a schoolday, here. :)
MB>> That is what makes tbbeta a fun :-)
MB>> ****************************************

> cmon ... <snif> ... it's still my post :-)

> To be honest: The "a" is a result of me not beeing a native english
> speaker.
> Sometime an essential word in one language is superfluous or even
> irritating in
> the other one. In fact I wrote "tbbeta a fun".

Well--I thought you were never, but *never*, going to reply about it,
and Thomas made me feel bad when he implied that what Natasha Pearce
and I were experiencing wasn't happening.

Did you see the missing "in" in my post, before "this case"?

I am so fed up with these experiences that I'm going to drop back to
beta 3.2.10!

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.4 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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