Hi all!

> It has happened again...
> Build 3.62 has been released to the public today, with new features and
> new bugs. I can't believe it. No announcement in this group, nothing.

Always the same. I cannot believe this, too! :-(

They deal with us like you deal with cattle. Thank you Ritlabs. I can
remember several releases where I as a betatester was very surprised when I
saw the final on the website a couple of days after the release. This is no
good behaviour! The people here are volunteers who don't get any payment so
you should deal with them a different way.

The other thing is the ever again problem with the development status of
the so called final releases. Even the Microsoft corporation releases more
final releases than Ritlabs. Lets sing again the Abba song: Money money...

A very p*ssed



The Bat! v3.62.03 powered by Windows 2003 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 1

ConCarne cooks best since 1998

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 Current beta is 3.62.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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