Hello Robert!

On Saturday, December 10, 2005, 9:46 PM, you wrote:

>> We've implemented Outbox Protection Feature.

> I agree with Ian.  Although what he said was due to being down under,
> things are reversed, 1's = 0's and so forth.

I agree with Ian and with you, Robert.

> I think you meant set it to 0 = off = we CAN drag-n-drop INTO the
> outbox.
>> it should be ON by default
> (Off I think you mean mate)

And I see he replied to you that that's what he meant.

> Have the corporate world put the outbox down at the bottom and it's a
> little less likely they can drag to it.

My Outbox *Is* at the bottom, just ahead of Sent messages. I like it
there. And I want to be able to put a message there and view it before
I send it.

> None the less, I just tried it, both ways, and I prefer the Zed to I
> can do as Ian does, re-send.

> if you can put a toggle INSIDE TB!, then I am happy to make that
> change myself new-version after new-version ... but It's a PITA to
> bring up regedit and find the place to add a new dword ..... if I had
> to do it after every new build.


> And I am now getting a confirmation request when I try to send the
> reply to the outbox. I do not like this.

Ah, now I know what you were saying to me in your TBOT post.

I am old and tired, Robert, and I'm off to bed. I'll test this stuff
tomorrow. :)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.63.08 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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