Hi all,

I've noted an annoying problem with IMAP in its current state.

It would seem that on most occasions when I start TB!, the folder which
is in focus on starting loses its Index in that the message list for the
folder is blank. The message list then re-propagates. For a relatively
slow connection and thousands of messages in the folder, this can be an

Is anyone else seeing this problem?

Additionally, the Inbox from which I do most message moving and
deletions has a problem properly synching between locations. I have to
be compressing the Inbox to get rid of messages deleted or moved while
using TB! at another location.

  -= Curtis =-
The Bat!™ v3.64.01 Christmas Edition / http://specs.aimlink.name
PGPKey: http://rsakey.aimlink.name
...Friendship is one soul in two bodies. -Frost

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