Hi all,

I found that Voyager sometimes leaves traces on the host machine not
only in the registry, but also in the temp file of the current user. I
have a batch file, that removes all temp data on *my* computer. Here
it is:

,----- [ del_temp.bat ]
| @Echo off
| RD /S /Q "C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Local Settings\Temp"
| MD "C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Local Settings\Temp"
| RD /S /Q C:\Windows\Temp
| MD C:\Windows\Temp
| RD /S /Q C:\Temp
| MD C:\Temp

I would like to have this generalized, so that it works on any
computer that my Voyager is allowed to run on.

What should I use for "C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Local
Settings"? I'm sure there's something like %appdata.

Can you help me out?


The Bat! Voyager v3.80.04
OS: Windows XP, v.5.1,Build 2600

 Current beta is 3.86.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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