Hello Martin,

Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:40:57 AM, you wrote:

MS> Hello Sebastian,

MS> Friday, October 12, 2007, 8:39:05 PM, you wrote:

>> What normal user expect is:
>> 1. HTML templates
>> 2. HTML pictures

MS> Yes, that is important. More and more newsletters are not readable
MS> without showing the pcitures.

And that drives me nuts <sigh>  I am quite happy with the text only
view as the default and hope that does not go away ... at least as an

>> 3. Account like in OE (example: one  Incoming  folder for couple Accounts)

MS> No go. If it is optional I don't mind. But that is one of the reasons
MS> I never would use Outlook as mail client for more than one account. I
MS> simply need the separation of the incoming accounts.

MS> If you really do want that then make a gerneric incoming folder and
MS> define a filtering rule.

You can have either 'action' with either system.  A single "in box"
folder is easy enough to set up in TB.  But it is almost as easy to do
the opposite with IE (and just about any other client that has filters

>> 4. Improved backup and folder/message maintenance (.bin files problems)
>> 5. RSS native support

MS> Would be nice to have. Also like newsgroups. But let's focus on the
MS> main task of The Bat: mails... ;)

Right.  I am distressed at the tendency of programs to keep growing
and expanding into 'swiss army programs'.  While, in a pinch, it might
be nice to have a single emergency tool that will do everything, the
never have been able to make one that does everything as well as the
specific tools.  I want a mail client that is the best mail client
possible.  I don't want to compromize that so that it can get messages
from a news reader ... I already have a great newsreader that does a
great job of working with news groups ... which is different than
getting email in many small ways that makes a combined tool less than
optimum in both instances.

>> 6. better IMAP
>> 7. better calendar and exchange support

MS> At least a calendering feature that supports WEBDAV or similar
MS> protocols. That also would make it possible to use ZIMBRA as
MS> mailserver.

Again, keep the calendar function in the calendar program and not in
my mail client (see above rant <wink>)  I already have one that works
well enough!!

>> 8. Linux version

MS> Would be nice too, but I think when The Bat runs via Wine it also is
MS> fine, isn't it?

That =might= be a nice additional bullet point some day.  I think it
should be a low priority item ... at least for now.

>> 9. ldap v3 with TLS/SSL

MS> More important is that you would have the choice even to override
MS> invalid protocols (in case one is expired or something like that).

>> What I expect:
>> 1. Bugfixes

MS> Of course.

Not many bugs that need fixing in what I use.  And the more 'new
features' you add, the more bugs you will create.

>> 2. News and RSS native support

MS> Would be very nice.

As stated above, please don't invest any time in this.  Lets stay
focused on the reason for TB, email

>> 3. HTML tamplates and pictures

MS> At least the pictures are a MUST.

As long as I can preview in text and open the HTML if desired (that is
what it does now ... and mostly without problem, for me anyway)

>> 4. PocketPC version with synchronization

MS> As I don't have a pocketPC version... However this feature isn't as
MS> important as it looks like. When you have an IMAP functionality then
MS> it is enough for the mails. However there should be a possibility to
MS> synchronise Calendar and Contacts.

MS> But I don't think that this is a task for the mail client. This better
MS> is implemented on the mailserver (e.g. synchronisation with Active
MS> Sync over the air).

And as soon as you say "Pocket PC", you need to include "Palm" in the
mix as well.  There are more Palm based devices out there than Pocket
PC ... at least that was the case the last time I looked at the

>> 5. Mouse gestures

MS> Well, I do like them but I never missed them in The Bat...

<Ugh> Mostly I don't find those particularly useful.  But as long as
they don't get in the way of using TB ... <g>

>> 6.  ACAP  implementation  for  auto-choose  best  secure connection to
>> server

MS> Nice to have. But I also didn't miss that yet...

I agree that it =might= be nice for folks when they are 'on the move'
with a laptop.  Mostly I have not had need of it, however, and so
would not give it a high priority.

But that is just me.  My needs are fairly simple and that is what I
want, something simple and focused that does the best possible job
possible on the one task I need it to do, work with my email.  It is
damned close to that now for me.  So as long as we don't mess with
that success, I am willing to take a look and the new ideas <g>

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using The Bat! v3.99.29 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

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