Hello Paul,

Monday, October 15, 2007, 8:46:02 AM, you wrote:

PVN> 10/15/2007  8:31 AM

PVN> Hi MikeD,

PVN> On 10/15/2007 MikeD (2) wrote:

M2>> very attractive to the geek community.  They picked up in it early.
M2>> When they went to help out their tech-challenged friends who had
M2>> gotten 'clobbered' by some 'problem' in IE, they would tell them to
M2>> use this here program.

PVN> Hmm... Opera was around waay before Firefox and is waay more secure. A
PVN> quick check at Secunia will confirm this. As I recall
PVN> Firebird/Firefox started as a way to get rid of Netscape bloat and
PVN> then morphed into the "secure" replacement for IE. If you want a safe
PVN> browser get it here: http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/ See its security
PVN> history here: http://secunia.com/product/15549/?task=advisories

At that time, however, Opera did not work well with many sites.  There
are still a lot of sites where Opera does not render correctly.  That
is what has kept Opera as an 'also ran', unfortunate as that might be.

M2>> I cannot use TB for MSN now
M2>> that MS has changed the authentication (yet again <sigh>).

PVN> What a wonderful opportunity to move to a more positive email host!
PVN> 8-]}

I still (possibly because of familiarity) prefer TB over the
alternatives.  OE is still 'brain dead', Thunderbird is not as useful
to me (I use that on a company box since I can't have personal email
there).  I am still confident that eventually TB will catch up with
MSN and their new authentication 'scheme' <g>

Best regards,
 MikeD                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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