On Sunday, February 3, 2008, 18:11:01, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

> Hello All,

>   I'm wondering whether those people who's experiencing problems with
> the spell checker are starting TB! from another directory (the
> %EMAIL% one, for example). Maybe it worth to try to set the "Start
> in" property of the Desktop/menu/QuickLauch shortcut that starts TB!
> to whatever is the directory of TheBat.EXE...

Confirmed - I had the Start In directory empty in the shortcut I use
to start TB, and when I set it to TB's directory, the languages
appeared. Nevertheless, this is a bug, because you can't rely on the
working directory being set when TB is started (eg. if I double-click
a .msg file on disk while TB isn't running, it'll be started with the
directory where I double-clicked the file as it's working dir).

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >

[The Bat! v4.0.0.17 (ALPHA) on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition 
5.2.3790.Service Pack 2]

It's always the partner's fault.
       -- First Law of Bridge

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