Hello MAU,

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 13:52:44 +0100 GMT (08/02/2008, 19:52 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

>> If a filter could do it, it means there is an algorithm, a
>> regularity. Why send the message in the first place if those
>> conditions are met? Can you give an example?

M> Have you never sent a message before you actually wanted to? Or a 
M> private message to a mailing list? Or a not digitally signed message to
M> a recipient to who you _always_ want to send signed messages? Or...

Yes, I have. But I fail to see how a filter could prevent me from
making these mistakes.

M> I'm trying to prevent sending by "accident".

I understand. Everybody has their own kind of accidents. As for the
wrong recipient (your example of sending to a mailing list when you
want to send a PM), how can a computer program know whether you mean
what you tell it to do? In this case, I like to quote the legendary
Steve Lamb: "Rise your eyes three degrees and look at the To address".

I don't want TB! to ask "are you sure you want to send this message to
this recipient?", "are you sure you don't want to sign the message",
and so on. I have already told it what to do.

>> If you are mistakenly sending a message and it is sufficienctly
>> large and your internet connection sufficiently slow, opening the
>> Connection Center and Deleting the task should work.

M> Of course. And I can also unplug my router from the telephone jack
M> on the wall. Or go outside and cut the telephone pole and hope the
M> cable will break that way. ;-)

After you have instructed TB! to do something and then find out this
is not what you meant, you can do all of these things. However, I
still don't understand how a filter would prevent you from giving
instructions that you didn't mean. But then, I don't understand all
this Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic stuff.

Maybe I just don't get what you mean, since you have abandonded your
campaign for a Drafts folder. Sorry if my reply is not helpful.



My mother wants grandchildren, so I said, "Mom, go for it!"

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