Hello MAU,

> And that's all. As I said in my first message, if this helps at least
> one of you, I'll be happy :)

Thank you for describing what is required to get spelling to work.

Despite all your efforts I cannot get it to work.

In line with your advice I can confirm I have all the files you mention for 
SSCE and english (BR) selected
Following your instructions I added Hunspell (dll was already there but added 
other files)
I use MS Word 2007 and so no CSAPI  - maybe this is the problem?

OK, all appears correctly set up but it refuses to work

rrrr  frunt lok  (these have no effect as being mis-spelled)
99ggg 444ggg (these are underlined in red but only for numeric followed by 

Spell cjhecking is a must for me and I am deserate for a solution, I should add 
that untill V4 (all versions) it did work

Anymore ideas, help!


  Graham Howe mail       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site    http://www.homepages.mcb.net/howe/
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