Dear Henk,

@10-Feb-2008, 09:14 +0100 (10-Feb 08:14 here) Henk M. de Bruijn [HMD]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Kyle:

... <snip>
>> Logging in to the site is not the problem, I can do that. The
>> problem is you cannot create a new account. I have tried several
>> times.
... <snip>
HMD> I have mentioned on TBOT that several people do not succeed to upload 
HMD> their rogue photo. I think there are more than one moderators of: 
HMD> over there.

HMD> I expect to hear from them.

Actually, there are 3 admins but only one operator - Leif Gregory.
It's his system and he's no longer involved on the TB lists, having
moved away from Windows to Linux last year. Leif is still active on
TBOT, so the message should get through.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v4.0.12.1 on Windows Vista 6.0.6000 

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