Hello Kertész,

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 11:35:39 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Kyle,

>> All the system cleaning I did did not improve TB performance (cleanup
>> need to be done anyway).
>> So the problem appears to have been with the data base but I am not
>> totally sure that was the only issue or what the problem was.  :'(
>> Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. I hate not knowing what
>> fixed my problem.

> It is hard to say... If you think, I can connect to your computer thru
> TeamViewer  (www.teamviewer.com,  you  just have to install the client
> module,  that  is  free,  I have the supporter module, completely safe
> program),  and take a quick look at it. What timeframe would be ok for
> you?

Thanks for the offer, but it is really a moot point now. I have
completely started over with a new database and no residuals from the
last install.  All I did was re-import my address book from Outlook.
I have been running TB and leaving my mail on the server then
downloading/deleting with Outlook just to be safe.

TB seems to be functioning normally now, but it did before as well.
Somewhere along the line of installing new release versions,
something must have corrupted the database and was not repairable.  I
will monitor this install, make very few changes and document the
ones that I do, to see if it goes back to the "snail" mode it was in.

If it goes south again, I certainly may take you up on your offer
to assist.  Thank you very much for taking the time to respond and
offer assistance.

Best regards,
 Kyle                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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