A few months ago I went through this process and tried almost every email 
client out there. I came back to TB! for the following reasons
(a) Other applications were slower /more bloated on my netbook
(b) Other applications were usually missing features I'd become used to in TB!

The closest was Thunderbird, but it required so many add-ins to provide 
similar functionality that it slowed to a crawl. I'm hopeful that Thunderbird 
3 (when announced) will address these issues.

So  I'm staying with 4.0.x until I see the next Thunderbird release 
(Jan/Feb '09) and then I'll decide. I'm only a POP3 man so I'm not worried 
about these IMAP discussions. Previous participants are right - that TB! has 
been promising improved IMAP for years, and they have re-written it more than 
once.. so I'm not sure what elese they can do.

(I tried IMAP in Thunderbird - aand didn't see what the fuss was about... :)

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