On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 10:14:40 -0400, Gleason Pace wrote:

>>>4.2 is minor upgrade with more bugfixes than additions, yes,
>>>postponed sending is available, but there are importans bugfixes and
>>>this is reason this version was released as final.

IMHO Ritlabs should have done this "important" bugfixing _before_
releasing version 4.1 to the general public.

>>The mentioned above statements were done during 4.1.x series, so the
>>"next" release would be 4.2.x, i.e. *this* release. By the way wasn't
>>it you, who had the same opinion some months ago?

>The  quotes say Imap after the 4.1 series.  4.2 is the product of that
>series of betas.  So now, how about some reduced invective while they
>do what they said?

I didn't read any invective in his message. In fact it is a polite
and accurate reminder of statements about IMAP development, made 6
(six) months (!) ago.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Current beta is 4.2.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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