> [Reply to: »Rick« · 2009-08-28 · 00:25 h (CET)]

> Moin, Rick!

>>>> I use it extensively. It has been working flawlessly. It started
>>>> getting flakey in the last beta and in this one it is not working at
>>>> all.

>>> I did two tests tonight:

>>> 1. Sending a message at a specific date and time.
>>> 2. Sending a message at current time plus 15 min.

>>> Both messages were sent as expected, so I just can say that the
>>> postponed sending feature seems to work.

>> OK thanks - let me look deeper on this end. It's odd as I have not
>> been changing the system much i.e. installing programs etc.

> The test with an IMAP account was okay, too.

I dropped back 2 versions and it is still not working for me so the question is 
begging WHAT is causing it to fail? This happened before where it was failing 
on some systems and not on others, There were people reporting failure in the 
forum with no solution offered

It doesn't happen to everyone but I am not the only one. A beta may come out 
and all of a sudden it will be working again. THAT ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. It is 
really time for the developers to take a look at this feature and see what 
might be affecting it. 

The silence is deafening. And ignoring it doesn't help me, nor does it help 
isolate the but and improve the product
Rogues are preferable to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest. - 
Alexandre Dumas

v4.2.10.5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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