Hello, Jonathan. 
You wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> http://W%57%57.%42%49%4cET%49%4b.G%49S%49S.R%55 instead of real URL?

>> url decode :) I'll write some code, and post it shortly.



JA> unit decode;
JA> (******************************************************************************)
JA> (* URL Decode routine                                                         *)
JA> (* Usage:  str = URLDecode( encstr );                                         *)
JA> (* License: GPL Style                                                         *)
JA> (******************************************************************************)
JA> interface...

JA> Find attached a URL decode routine.  Not sure how perfect it is,
JA> haven't given it a full blown road run yet, but tested it on a few
JA> encoded strings that I have, including this one.

Thank you for your care!

I have also already realized this procedure.

About the second kind of "masking" - using bogus HTML comments (like
<--43534-->) I also think some time... I decided finally to don't use
a regexp now. It is just not so necessary, because the situation with
<--43534--> code now is the only case where it can be applicable. I
decided that using a direct code here is more reasonable than
including of the whole regexp library only because of one private

My baesyan machine is about ready. See my next posting...

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