Hello, Mark. 
You wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MW> Note that the only API Stefan has published is for spam filtering. If
MW> you want to do more, there's nothing available. At least yet. Stefan
MW> has promised support for user-defined macros and such, but so far
MW> there hasn't been any API or samples.

See <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. You will found _new_ version
of TBP with user-defined macros. Unfortunately I can't yet found the way how to
translate it to C++ (I use Visual Studio) because of using COM interface.

Using TB 1.63b11 on WinXP Pro SP1 (2600), spelling by ORFO2002 (CSAPI)
..with Kaspersky Antivirus Plugin (ver 3.5 Gold) & antispam filter BayesIt! 0.3b


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