Hi Alexey,

ANV> |      Object Pascal:     function TBP_SetConfigData (const ABuf; ABufSize: 
ANV> |                         Integer; stdcall;

ANV> in Object Pascal description: first arg "const ABuf" sounds quite suspicious.
ANV> May be "var ABuf"?

No, it's a constant parameter - this means that the parameter's data
cannot be changed or the parameter cannot be passed further as a
variable one.

ANV> Also, for C++ description it would be safer to define it as (const void* ABuf...)


ANV> 1. It would be good to have a possibility from
ANV> TBP_GetSpamScore to add a custom
ANV> header into regarded letter, for example "X-spam: ..." or etc (or change the
ANV> header, if it is already present in the letter).

It would lead to changing the interface which is not a very good idea.
Maybe a new function will be added for that. We'll think about it,

ANV> 2. About TBP_FeedSpam - it would be good, if The Bat! will call this function
ANV> itself according to "Move to junk folder" threshold, basing on integral grade of
ANV> all filters installed. In this case this function will necessary to be called
ANV> manually for wrongly graded letter, but not to every one received.

Well, I'm not sure it's a good idea because it may seriously slow down

ANV> And finally: do you agree if I translate the API into Russian?

You already did it, but you have our permission anyway :-)  Thank you
very much!


...If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.


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