Hello Alexander,

On Wednesday, 28. November 2001 at 00:08:43 you wrote (at least in

PP>>The problem is: I still don't have _exact_ patterns I can
PP>> parse for as it seems the log file entries are in the same language
PP>> TheBat! is in while creating them.
AL> I believe, it haven't any value... Let's see at account string

AL>  >23.11.2001, 19:08:56: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2987 bytes) 
(processed by "MyMail", "TB", moved to "\\Lists\TB")
AL>  >28.11.2001, 03:25:03: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (4893 

That's the english fraction ... problem is: if TB! is in german it
would look like this:

 >23.11.2001, 19:08:56: FETCH - Empfangene Nachrichten von [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2987 bytes) 
 >(bearbeitet von "MyMail", "TB", verschoben nach "\\Lists\TB")
 >28.11.2001, 03:25:03: FETCH - Empfangene Nachrichten von [EMAIL PROTECTED] (4893 

AL> What I can say:

AL> for incoming messages (you handle only this type, and
AL> it's bad :-)) first char is ">" only, _always_

Nope ... it's yet not bad ... TB! only accounts the 'processed by'
for incoming mail, I've set some outgoing filters, they are hit but
not shown in log file.

AL> word with "@" is from address _always_ too

Nope ... it must be the word before the first brackets and I will test
a bit if I'm able to receive a mail containing no '@' :-)

AL> text inside first brackets is size _always_

Seems so.

AL> if there are not second brackets pair - there are not filters in work

Or it is 1.53 :-) (A guess from what I've heard/read from Karin)

AL> filters and destination folders can be _easy_ detected and separated
AL> They are _always_ inside_ second brackets, they have from '"name of"'
AL> and _folders_ have char "\" in name... I'm not sure (and too lazy to
AL> test now - 4 am) is it possible to have "\" in filter name, but,
AL> anyway, it must work as first draft

That's what I'm already matching on:

'(' some text followed by a number of '"FilterName", '
some text followed by '"<directory>")'

the most difficulty part was the
    number of '"FilterName", '
part :-)

PP>>  So if somebody changes the language
PP>> the log changes too ... from that position on forward!
AL> I tried to show you, that it can't change nothing in good-planned algo
AL> :-)

That's why I'm putting on that test version for finding _what_ is the
difference and what is the common in the log files :-)

PP>> Next problem is I don't know how detailed the output should be ... is
PP>> 'Date' really necessary? Or 'From'? Or 'Destination' (folder)?
AL> No ideas :-)... I use eyes on logs, in hard cases - grep | gawk :-)...
AL> It's enough for me

'egrep', 'cut', 'sed' & 'awk' ... I don't want to miss them :-)
But this tool ain't for greppers but for the non-command-line fraction

Nevertheless thanks for your help :-)
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54/10e on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1)

I'm leaving now to go find myself. If I should return before I get
back, please ask me to wait.

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