Hallo Peter,

Peter Palmreuther / 28.11.01 / TheBat! Loganalyzer - First Alpha Version

   --->>> I resend this as it has not reached the TB!tech List
          Pit can you shortly reply me when Mail has arrived?
          Just for a check if my side works! Thank you.

KS>> I'm using 1.53d.

> So it seems 1.53 does not add the filter information to log file :-(
> I'm sorry :-(

You mean all issues of v1.53 until 't'??

Liebe Grüsse


The Bat! eMail Client v1.53t unter Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
PGP key erhältlich/available: www.EddieCastelli.com/pgpkey/

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