On  Wed,  20  Feb  2002 at 14:04 GMT +0100 (20/02/2002 20:04 where you
think I live) "Miguel A. Urech"=[MAU] wrote to Syafril Hermansyah :

>> What happened if using Plain SMTPAUth instead of MD5 ?

> I can't, TB won't let me. This is what I say in my original posting
> yesterday:

>           Although I have The Bat! set up for simple authentication,
>           because Mercury supports MD5, TB will use MD5.

Hmm weird, what's Mercury S log said ?

> See my original message yesterday for a more complete explanation.

Have  Thomas R. Stephenson (or others Mercury Support Team) comment on
Mercury List ?

Best regards,
 Syafril                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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