On Saturday, June 7, 2003, 5:30:29 PM Andrew wrote:

AA> PMFJI, but what info *doesn't* get transferred over from Pegasus'
AA> message status/folder structure if you use TB!'s Mailbox Import Wizard
(Tools ->> Messages -> Mailbox Import Wizard...)?

Interesting.  Turns out on my version (1.62r) that's Tools Import
messages and then the import wizard but all that happens is it keeps
prompting me to tell it where the pegasus mail folder is, I do, and it
prompts again ... It does this whether I point it to the huge
directory which has my hierarch.pm and all my folder information, or
if I just point it to a folder to which I've copied a few PMM/PMI
pairs.  Is this something that's fixed in the latest beta release?


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