Hello Anthony,

Saturday, October 30, 2004, 15:40:56, you wrote:

AGA> I'm not clear on how TB picks certificates, though.  When I attached my
AGA> key to the account, and opened a message encrypted for me, TB said I had
AGA> no matching certificates (the message was in a different folder by then,
AGA> not in the account inbox).  When I added an address book entry for
AGA> myself in the address book and attached the certificate, TB found it
AGA> when I opened the message.  So just exactly where does it look?

AGA> Also, is it better to use the Microsoft crypto or the built-in TB crypto
AGA> for S/MIME?  I notice that the built-in crypto displays only the keys
AGA> actually installed in TB when I encrypt or sign, but if I select the
AGA> Microsoft crypto TB displays every available key when I encrypt or sign
AGA> (which is a bit troublesome, since I have dozens of expired keys and it
AGA> clutters things up considerably).

I think the best option for you is to look at the Help pages. The
Microsoft Crypto API will cause TB! to defer to it any any operation
on the certificates -- so it it will refer to your Windows certificate

There are some strong restrictions on the internal implementation re.
encryption algorithms (it seems TB! will only support RC2 (128bits),
3DES(156 bits) or IDEA (128 bits). On the other hand, it is all done
by TB!...  These are not bad encryption options; but using the
Microsoft API you would probably have these, plus a series of others.

So, all in all, it depends on who/what you are targeting.



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush and BayesIt! 0.7.4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 4


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