Hello Ali,
On Tuesday, October 26, 1999 Ali Martin wrote:

>  When viewing messages by thread, is it really necessary to have the
>  subject for every message within a thread displayed? It makes the
>  listing appear very cluttered when you expand the threads and the
>  repeated listing of the message subject takes up a lot of screen real
>  estate, pushing the listing out of the boundaries of the message list
>  pane.

>  Agent displays the subject of just the first message in the thread
>  and lists the authors name only after that and actually in the
>  subject field.

I  simply  hate, abhor, loathe, detest this! That's mainly why I never
forced myself to use it.

> Displaying  an envelope for every message, opened or closed is again
> a  cluttered  interface.  Using  an envelope for new mail and then a
> smaller  indicator  than an open envelope, which is actually thicker
> than  a line of text for reply and read indicators would look better
> and again less cluttered.

I'm not sure what you are writing about, but I like it as it is now. I
don't  care  that open envelopes are not fully displayed -- I can live
without this small end of envelope that is not displayed.

>  I've been wondering why TB's interface is not yet quite spectacular,
>  yet it has the necessary ingredients. I guess it has to do with how
>  the ingredients are used. :))

Yeah,  there  are  many things in TB's interface that could be better,
but IMHO not the ones you write about.

Best regards,

Christopher J. Trybowski 
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