Mark wrote:

MA> Waiting  for 1.37 is unlikely to solve your problem, could you explain
MA> exactly when you get the 'application corrupted' message, is it during
MA> unpacking  i.e.  when  you  click 'the_bat.exe' or is it when you have
MA> unpacked and click 'install' ??
when I click install, when I try to unpack it self it says that one
file is bad (thebat.exe)...

MA> If this is the case you will
MA> need to firstly delete the following key from your registry
MA> and also delete any executables or DLL's from your TB folders.
I removed all of this stuff... still nothing... i don`t know... it
must be, i say it MUST BE something with packed file... otherwise
winrar wouldn`t say that thebat.exe (inside the_bat.exe sfx archive)
is bad...

/    Adam     +       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.wkrotce.pl     \
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