Steve Lamb wrote:

>>   That's a good one Steve. If I was one who liked using autocomplete,
>>   I would've picked it up already. :)

>     *bow*

<chuckle>  Those hilarious responses to Thomas, Paula and now this???

You seemed to have arisen from the right side of your bed this morning
fella. :)

>     Actually, TB!'s autocompletion needs some work.  For example, when I send
> certain mail out to different lists.  One such is "websystems@corp;
> websupport@corp".  Two separate addresses.    Yet TB! will complete the whole
> string if I start with websystems.  *BAD*  Completing two or more addresses
> from the contents of one causes problems.

I dislike autocompletion. My experience with it has been uniformly
poor. It's a nightmare of assumptions!! I'm amazed that you actually
use it. :) IE is horrible with it as well. It just gets in my way.
Anyway, I use Opera mostly now so....

 * Ali Martin              mailto: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  ** If you associate with the wise, you will become wise.
   *** Using The Bat! v1.38 Beta/3 [-] Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6)  

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