Paula Ford wrote:

> The Incoming Mail filters are confusingly misnamed since they operate
> manually on all messages in the InBox when invoked manually, not just
> "incoming message flows" as the Help describes them.


> Hmmm???  If you click on a folder other than the InBox, then re-filter
> the Incoming Mail filters are invoked only if you check the Incoming
> Mail option for re-filtering - ummm - I think!

Yes, that's right as well. :)

>> Outgoing and Incoming message filter rules, set to run automatically,
>> will only work *automatically* on the Inbox and Outbox respectively.
>> However, these filter rules will work on any folder when a re-filter
>> operation is done.

> OK, this _is_ confusing. When you create an Incoming Mail filter, the
> source folder has to be specified as the InBox. Similarly, with Outgoing
> Mail filters. But, on re-filtering TB is ignoring the source folder
> designation. So, when you are re-filtering the categories are nothing
> more than some arbitrary groupings of rulesets. For example, I can
> create an "Outgoing Mail" filter or an identical "Incoming Mail" filter
> and either will work manually. They will also operate on Read messages
> and Replied messages.


>> I think the filtering approach of TB! is consistent, once you
>> understand it. :)

> I thought so too, but then my filters are straigthforward and it turns
> out that I didn't fully understand what was going on with the
> re-filtering. As it is, I couldn't disagree more. It needs to be
> re-thought from the ground up, IMO. There are much better ways to
> organize filtering that are much clearer to the user and more flexible.

I agree here as well. The functionality is consistent, but admittedly,
not clearly presented. Dispelling of the so called Incoming and
Outgoing filter sets nomenclature and simply using generic filter
sets, which you may name as you like, would be better. Whenever you're
defining filter rules, designating that the rule be applied to inbox
or outbox messages may then be done at will. These filters will then
work as incoming and outgoing filters respectively. The same generic
filters may be made to filter unread, read and replied messages
through checkable options in the filter rule options. Being able to
create filters sets (as you are able to create address groups in the
address books) would be better, clearer and more functional.

 * Ali Martin              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ** "Stupid" is a boundless concept.
   *** Using The Bat! v1.38 Beta/4 [-] Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6)  

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