On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 14:41:58 +0100, Dirk Heiser wrote:

> I use this (Antwort|Antw|Re|Aw|FW) for searching. But one Problem i
> have.

> Some Mailing list have the mailinglistname in the Subject. I give an
> example:

> Antwort: Re: [Palm] Antwort: [Palm] Re: [Palm] FlashPro und Palm Update

SOT: which mailing software is not capable to strip these additional
[Palm]? Should be forbidden...

> how can i strip these [Palm]. If i try

> (Antwort|Antw|Re|Aw|[Palm]|FW)

> this do not work.

There are two reasons why this doesn't work:
1. [ and ] have a special meaning inside regular expression (see in
   the Help under Regular Expressions Syntax (Basic)). You have to
   write \[ and \]
2. [Palm] is not followed by a colon, therefore you can't put in
   together with Aw: and Re:

Here's the solution


Note two things:
- "((Re|Aw|Antwort):|\[Palm\])" instead of "(Re|Aw|Antwort):",
  having one more level of parentheses
- %SUBPATT=""4"" instead of %SUBPATT=""3"" because of the additional

You could expand this for more maillists if you replace \[Palm\]
with \[(Palm|Pilot|whatever)\] and incrementing SUBPATT to 5...


Peter Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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