Hello Rob,

Sunday, January 02, 2000, 1:49:27 AM, you wrote:

>>THAT was the problem Rob... I hadn't installed the International Pack
>>which  explains  the 'empty' database.

R> funny ... it shouldn't even show under 'spell checker - language' after a 
R> normal TB install.

R> or do you mean the CSAPI dictionary ?? the ones _under_ the line ...
R> i installed TB here at work where MS Office also is installed and i get a 
R> bunch of CSAPI dicts. ; one of them is British English, but when i select it, 
R> it turns grey (unselectable) ... ?? 

Yes,  it  was  a  selectable  item after I did the initial install. In
addition,  I  too  have  Office 2K, and because of that, I too had the
additional  Dictionaries  'under'  the  line... but even 'they' didn't
work  properly.  Now  that  I have the International Pack, the British
Dictionary  works  just  fine,  and  I'm  going  to  leave  the  CSAPI
Dictionaries  alone.  I  don't know what the problem is with them, but
once  I  get  more comfortable using TB, I might take a second look at
why the CSAPI inclusions don't work for me.

Best regards,

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