On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:03:53 +0100, Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

> I think I'll go for the Perl version, thanks! ;] Of course, this means
> I'll  have  to  write the script first, and not being too firm in Perl
> _yet_...  I'll let you know when I'm bald due to tearing out of my own
> hair! *grin*

Marck is right, TB! doesn't look at the received time when importing
(this is a long known bug)

But if you're interested, you could look at my script for importing
Agent Mail folders. It takes the received time (because this is
where Agent puts the creation time of sent messages) and puts it in
the Date: header (the creation time as interpreted by TB!).

Drop me a note and i'll send you the script off list.


Peter Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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