Hi there!

On 7 Jan 00, at 8:51, Steve Lamb wrote
    about "Re: Pegasus vs. The Bat!":

> > Seems *not* to be different to me, since the messages containing the
> > discussions of the *same* mathematical problems arrive to all three of
> > them:-) Technically, it's different, but for *me* as a mathematician <g>
> > they aren't...
> Then that is a problem that you and your colleagues need to work out
> between yourselves and not flippantly demanding new and harmful "features" to
> be crammed into an otherwise decent client.

Please explain why the hell do you insist on calling "harmful" the (little) feature 
I've explained in my previous mail message, which explanation you've 
deliberately cut out? Quote that description and explain with that quote in 
hand, *what* in particular is so harmful about it? It's how we discuss problems 
in math. If someone comes to me and says "Hey, your latest theorem is wrong 
and harmful" I'll probably ask him to go whereever he's come from:-) and ever 
more far, very probably:-)). He would need to point me at the problems in my 
proof, maybe provide a counterexample to one of my implications, things od 
that kind. That's what I call fruitful discussion. What you do now is not a 
discussion at all. I answer each of your questions, but you don't answer mine, 
nor motivate your tyrades. It's more of brainwashing nature, and whereas the 
newbies probably need brainwashing now and then, I do not.

> > The point is that this message has to be *stored* in the same folder as other
> > messages dealing with the same problem, but such messages come to all 
> > three of my accounts. 
> Again, a problem between chairs and keyboards.  Fix it there, not here.

Nope, please see below.

> > I do not use the mouse when working with my mail. So your idea won't work
> > for me. 
>     ALT-M, M, highlight folder, enter.  It does work.

Long procedure, filters work faster. 

> > What you are calling a problem is a style of working for me, which permits
> > me to have the things done. Dixi.
> No, it is a problem.  I don't seem to have that problem if keeping work mail
> in my work account and home mail in my home account.  The *ONLY* time the two
> ever mix is when I send mail to my work mailing list from my home account to
> let them know I'm going to be late and/or sick and don't feel like opening
> TB! up (if it isn't already). 

You seem to refuse to understand that *I* work both at home and at work. I'm 
working on mathematics even more at home then at work, and hence 
mathematics-related messages are coming here, too. It's inevitable, and I like 
it. The people I'm communicating with *do* usually know, *when* I'm at work, 
and send *there* the messages that require immediate answer. It's all right, 
and I can't see why should this practice be abandoned. 

>     It is not that hard.  It involves getting people to use the PROPER address
> for work and the proper address for home.  Since the two rarely mix, 

Once again, they *do* mix. At home I prefer using UUCP account, which I 
cannot use at work. OTOH, at work I use other two (well, mainly other *one*:-
)) accounts. You might ask, why doing so? I'll answer: PPP dial-up costs alot 
here, it's a per-hour pricing, whereas UUCP dialup costs less then US$1 per 
month, and the price doesn't depend on the traffic.

> what's the problem?  Tell me, why is it so hard for you and your cohorts,
> people I assume of reasonable intelligence, to grasp this basic common sense
> approach to your problem? 

The common sense is all here. Try to read this message carefully, and you'll 
probably get it at last:-) As a person of I assume reasonable intelligence you 
*should* be able to understand it;-))

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  ``I came, I saw, SHE conquered.'' (The original Latin seems to
   have been garbled.)

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