ND> Lamb in an acquired taste (pun intended), and once you get past the
ND> brash outer shell there really is a lot one can learn from Steve. I
ND> have gained great insight on a lot of topics from his "discussions" in
ND> this forum, and while I don't agree with everything he says (what sane
ND> person possibly could?) there is even tidbits of wisdom in the
ND> wackiest of Steve's stances.

The other thing you learn from him is why Unix got stomped all over by
Microsoft products. Steve has a pure Unix mindset: there is One Right
Way to understand anything, and anyone who can't share it, even after
being shouted at, is a Stupid Luser.

He's often right about the facts. But the tone of hectoring contempt
and the habit of treating people as if it were wicked of them to want
something he finds illogical tends to put paying customers off.

I'm anti bloat myself. I don't want a newsreader, though a scoring
system for mailing lists would be wonderful. I don't want another web
browser. I want a proper editor that uses proper proportional fonts
and understands soft returns while editing, even if it formats the
result in hard ascii.

We have to be sympathetic to the Bat's developers: if they get 2.0
wrong by being too ambitious they are screwed, but if they are not
ambitious enough, that's a mistake, though not as serious. The most
important thing is for the program to remain fast and reliable at
retrieving, sorting, and manipulating large quantities of email from
numerous accounts.

To this end, I want global filters so that mail from many accounts
ends up in the same folder. this really comes down to the capacity to
copy filters easily between accounts. Date based filtering and
archiving would also be a good thing. Coloured labels for messages has
been often demanded and is long overdue. a nice refinement on that
would be a filter that did date-based colouring on header lines, so
that today's mail was red, and yesterday's orange, while stuff from a
month ago faded to dead black -- whatever: if we had coloured labels
and time-based filtering people could do this stuff for themselves.
Especially if there were lots of colours :-)

  -- Andrew Brown

running 1.38 on Windows 98
under 4.10

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