Thursday, January 13, 2000, 1:54:16 AM, Andrew wrote:
> The other thing you learn from him is why Unix got stomped all over by
> Microsoft products. Steve has a pure Unix mindset: there is One Right
> Way to understand anything, and anyone who can't share it, even after
> being shouted at, is a Stupid Luser.


> He's often right about the facts. But the tone of hectoring contempt
> and the habit of treating people as if it were wicked of them to want
> something he finds illogical tends to put paying customers off.

    I hate to tell this to you but I have laid into some Unix people because
their programs don't do enough.  I've explained to them exactly why the
Windows clients were better in some regards than their clients and demanded
that they fix it.  Hasn't happened yet.  :/

    As for Microsoft, we all know they "won" on PR alone.  Thing is, after a
while, people get tired of the BS and look for the technically superior
solution.  I never claimed to be a PR guy, just right.  Given the choice of
being nice and wrong or rude and right I'll be the latter every time.  People
forgive rude, they don't forgive wrong.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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