On Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 21:30:37 ,Keith scribbled:

KR> But, Angel, you don't have either in this message, either!
Thanks for pointing that out, I've put it back in. I used it a long time ago but
I took it out. (Temporary brain fart moment on my part maybe? LOL)
If someone wanted to respond to me privately, hitting REPLY instead of
clicking on the clickable link would send it to the entire list and NOT privately, so
TY TY TY for pointing that out. :) There *is* a method for the madness LOL

I DO, however, have it in my "regular" template along with the other ones, just cos. I
definitely use them in my Business-email-address template simply because it looks more
professional with the email address in the signature. But they definitely are good for
maling lists et al. because of the reason stated above: hitting Reply or Reply-To
for a "private" reply would send it to the entire list.

*shrug* I guess it comes down to a matter of personal preference. (ie: which purpose it
would serve you personally guides your decision where to put them, and in which 
Example from the other side:
Webcom.com had that problem recently. Talk about a MESS! Notification to Webcom 
of a change in services resulted in a two-week-long daily email flood from subscribers 
because Webcom's "Reply To All" address led right back to the list. Everyone and their
dog (well, cat if they didn't have a dog...t-shirt if no pets hehehe) were sending 
of rage to the LIST. However, they DID have a clickable email link in their signature.
*another shrug*

So I would guess that responding to an email via Reply, Reply To All, or by clicking
on a link is strictly a personal preference thing for the person replying. And it's
personal preference how *we* set it up individually to help guide this decision by 
using the
many varying links/info/macros TB! offers to put in our signature(s) & Account/Folder 
That they put the mailto: in the template at all, IMHO, is a good thing. Also was one 
of the
first cool, unique, "automatic" features I noticed in TB!. I just went in, after a few 
with the Help files, and changed it to suit *my* preferences.

NA> I wish all Programs would either adhere to a Standard, or change an existing
NA> one...
*sigh* I wish that too... :D

~~~Angel ...your RDR



       "No hay extraños en este mundo, simplemente amigos 
                         por conocer"  
*           -={+}=-Senza fiduccia niente-={+}=-                      *
*                                                                    *
*     Scribbled using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 on: 1/12/2000 21:30:37    *
*       under Windows 98 PLUS! 4 .10 Build 2222  A                   *
*Running a 200MhZ Pentium with a 8.0Gb & 1.2Gb hard disk(s) 128Mb RAM*

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