Thursday, January 13, 2000, 9:15:03 AM, Angel wrote:
> maling lists et al. because of the reason stated above: hitting Reply or
> Reply-To for a "private" reply would send it to the entire list.

    Personally this is a small nigglet, IMHO, with TB!.  There have been tons
of arguments over whether or not mailing lists should set "Reply-To" or not.
I am a proponent of the mailing-lists setting it and won't get into why.  But
based on that, I also think that email clients should recognize this and act

    When hitting reply and the FROM differs from REPLY-TO the client should
ask which address to send to.  I know that RFC822 states that REPLY-TO should
be used over FROM in cases like this.  In fact, let me quote it here.

--- SNIP ---


        For systems which automatically  generate  address  lists  for
        replies to messages, the following recommendations are made:

            o   The "Sender" field mailbox should be sent  notices  of
                any  problems in transport or delivery of the original
                messages.  If there is no  "Sender"  field,  then  the
                "From" field mailbox should be used.

            o   The  "Sender"  field  mailbox  should  NEVER  be  used
                automatically, in a recipient's reply message.

            o   If the "Reply-To" field exists, then the reply  should
                go to the addresses indicated in that field and not to
                the address(es) indicated in the "From" field.

--- SNIP ---

    Operative word is "should", not must.  Because of that, and the widespread
use of mailing lists, I think that the client should prompt the user on which
address they want to send to with the default being the reply-to.  This gives
the user the ability to chose which address (public or private in the case of
a mailing list) to use without having to go through other steps like using
reply-to-all and trim the headers accordingly.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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