Friday, January 21, 2000, 4:16:20 PM, Allie wrote:
>     Uhm, errr, *light cough*, OK. I didn't consider that at all. *Allie
> hangs his head in shame and embarrassment*  :)

    Touche' monsieur pussycat!

>     Ok, take a look at this message and tell me what you think. I'll try
> to keep it up for you. :)

    It works, for me.  Now how many other people on how many other lists view
it in the same light?  :)

>     Aside from that you may disable it from your end so that you no longer
> will be contributing to the mangling, and two, the auto-completion mess
> will stop.

    Which I already have.  :)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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