Marck wrote:

> Hi Me,

> On  20  January  2000  at  08:47 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and
>  made these erroneous points:

MDP>> On 20 January 2000 at 00:07:24 GMT -0800 (which was 08:07 where I
MDP>> live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

ncc>>> ...  My  previous  e-mail  clients  Agent  - Calypso) are able to
ncc>>> launch Netscape.

ncc>>> What's wrong?

MDP>> This  topic  is  dealt  with on the FAQ web site.

> Er  -  sorry  -  wrong  answer.  This is about working in the opposite
> direction  and having TB pick up MailTo: clicks from NetScape. I'm not
> sure why TB wouldn't launch the URL clicks.

Darn, you got my hopes up for second.   Thanks for trying


TB! user since Jan 19, 2000

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