
Tracer, tracer, tracer! What ARE you talking about?

First, not one IE5 upgrade that I have installed has ever knackered any of
my Windows installations - any of the 5 PCs on my LAN. Frankly, not
upgrading to fix bugs is not a consideration at all. Bug updates, and
security holes need Justin commented. Simple as that. All I
was wondering was where the option to browse in a separate process went to.

And as for yer man Douglas's probs. 1) I'm afraid I was not party to his
setup as you seem to be. 2) In any event. Sorry, but you are wrong about
@Guard mate. @Guard DOES cause problems. Check your background processes
every now and then when @Guard is simply installed. IAMSERV is running yes?
Maybe you noticed also that @Guard doesn't seem to want to leave it there
and when you then activate @Guard when you connect to the Internet, @Guard
loads another occurrence of it again. This causes MAJOR probs & slow downs
and hangs Internet Explorer, WIndows, TB! Especially when you drop your
connection and have @GUard shut down automatically or do it manually. I
really do like @Guard but have removed it from at least 7 peoples computers
for the same complaints. I have given them ZOneAlarm to install because of
this problem. NOT ONE person has had the same problem since its removal.

I have to say that the problem occurs MORE frequently with people that have
it installed but disabled at startup. I found that the problem was less
severe when @Guard was run at startup and left running all the time. The
chances then of IAMSERV being loaded twice are obviously then reduced

"Lockdown2000 junk" <--- tracer...uhummm. OK, some people like ports to be
completely stealthed. And some like to have their ports watched for one
reason or another. Lockdown does open and listen to many ports unlike a
Firewall, granted, and this does affect TCP/IP memory if you're listening to
too many at once. OK, but I have generally found this not to be a problem
when using Lockdown.

Yes, these kind of programs have been called 'hacker catchers' and often
have a reputation of unfairly 'baiting' attackers or even putting yourself
at risk. If you are somewhere referring to Steve Gibson's opinions that
these apps are 'junk' (to also quote him) and that they are 'Evil Port
Monitors'(as he says) then I think that is a bit OTT and designed only to
create dependency on one persons opinions which suits his purpose, obviously.

I use Lockdown on its own only for *specific purposes*. It is excellent for
those particular purposes. I use my Firewall to have complete system stealth
at other times. I think to say that Lockdown is a piece of junk is a bit
hasty considering all the other features it has. However, you are entitled
to your opinion, it's just that I don't agree with it. OK, I don't rely on
it on its own. But do you rely on just ONE virus scanner? I don't. It is the
same thing: 2 of this and 3 of that just to make sure!

"ZoneAlarm not bad" <--- Tracer! What are you on about? This little beaut
blocks ALL ports stealthing them completely - it even stealths your ident
port (113) which many WELL known Firewalls can't seem to negotiate. I think
it deserves a little more than a 'not bad'. Are you a frequent visitor to by any chance? I know SG said he felt it wasn't quite ready (and yes
it did have a few lumps that needed ironing out) to recommend it, but it
works extremely well and not using it would just be silly at this stage in
its development.

Slán anois, 

 Simon      send private mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

Usin' TB! v1.41 B/5 & registered

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  L’homme est bien insensé. Il ne saurait forger un ciron, et forge des Dieux ŕ 

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  MONTAIGNE 1533-1592

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