
Leif Gregory posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] making the following comments:

LG> We've got most of the developers of the above firewalls on-line with
LG> us, and they'll have full access to our results during the testing
LG> phase. This will give them a chance to correct any errors or
LG> oversights we might have made before we publish our results.

   Well I for one would be extremely interested in the results of this test.
   If you can get the WRQ developers to comment on why the WRQ background
   window sometimes hangs Windows when @Guard is running then a miracle
   maybe upon us - I never ever got an answer. Do Signal9 still give a damn
   about PC Firewall now that they've *given* it away?

   All the best,
Slán anois, 

 Simon      send private mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         

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