Howdy Leif,

Saturday, April 01, 2000, 8:20:01 AM, you wrote:

LG> Hello Nick, 

LG> On Fri, 31 Mar 2000 at 12:06:33 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
NA>> I've created the Mailing List, and can see where I can enter the
NA>> comma separated addresses, but in the Properties section, I can't
NA>> see where I can allocate those addresses to the BCC field. I can
NA>> only do that on an individual message basis.

NA>> Can some kind soul point me in the right direction. Thanks so
NA>> much...

LG> Sure, go see the how-to on setting up TB as a mailing list server at:
LG> <> it's also in the TB
LG> Help file under Message Filtering / TB as a mailing list server, but I
LG> haven't checked to see if it is the latest version. The one on the web
LG> site is however.

LG> Leif Gregory 

Thanks Leif..that page explains how to set up a discussion list, but
not how to set up an ordinary mailing list where you want the
recipients' names suppressed and just the name of the list displayed.
The only way I have been able to do it is to put my own address in the
TO line and put everyone else's in the BCC section. This is not the
perfect solution, however, as I do not want an extra copy coming back
to myself.

Best regards,

Http://                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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