
On Wednesday 5 January 2011 at 2:07:56 AM, in
<mid:1674303343.20110105030...@otten.tv>, Roelof Otten wrote:

M>> 3. What happens if you try to set up OTFE with a
M>> blank password?

> It's easy to guess the password

If TB! allows a blank password during installation, does the
encryption still work?

M>> 5. Can you change the password?

> Only  by  creating a backup, uninstalling TB, delete
> everything in the mail directory, install TB again,
> restore the backup

That sounds like a bit of hassle, to say the least!

M>> 6. Does forgetting the password prevent any further
M>> access to the     messages?

> Yes, unless you've created a backup. Even when you're
> using OTFE, TB's backups  are  unencrypted, though it's
> possible to set a password with encryption for your
> backups.

I just found that if you select to encrypt the backup, the encryption 
algorithm is RC2. 

M>> 9. How is using TB!'s OTFE better than simply
M>> locating your mail    folder in an encrypted
M>> location, such as a TrueCrypt container?

> The  difference  is  that  when you've mounted the
> encrypted location, third party programs (doesn't
> matter whether they're Santa's 'good' or 'bad'  list)
> can  access  your  message  base. When you're using
> OTFE you're message base can only be accessed by TB and
> it's plug-ins.  

Interesting - I'd not thought of that. Doesn't TB! need to place a
decrypted version of a file in a temp directory while actually working
with/editing it?

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:expires2...@ymail.com

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